1st Annual Lambda Literary Award Winners and Finalists
1988 Categories:
Overview of yearly categories

Editor's Choice
Lesbian Fiction:
Lesbian Non-fiction:
Lesbian Small Press Book Award:
Publisher's Service Award:
Gay Fiction:
Gay Men's Mystery / Science Fiction:
Gay Men's Non-Fiction:
The Lambda Awards by year:
1988 Categories:
Overview of yearly categories
- Editor's Choice
- Lesbian: Debut Fiction, Erotica, Fiction, Mystery/ Science-fiction, Non-fiction, Small Press Book Award
- General LGBT: AIDS, Poetry, Publisher's Service Award
- Gay Men's: Debut Fiction, Erotica, Fiction, Mystery/ Science-fiction, Non-fiction, Small Press Book Award
Editor's Choice
- Why Can’t Sharon Kowalski Come Home? by Karen Thompson And Julie Andrzejewski (Spinsters/Aunt Lute)
Lesbian Debut Fiction:
- Winner Bird-Eyes by Madelyn Arnold (Seal Press)
- Finalists
- Sunday’s Child by Joyce Bright (Naiad Press)
- Mundane’s World by Judy Grahn (Crossing Press)
- The Finer Grain by Denise Ohio (Naiad Press)
- A Mistress Moderately Fair by Katherine Sturtevant (Alyson Publications)
Lesbian Fiction:
- Winner Trash by Dorothy Allison (Firebrand Books)
- Finalists
- After Delores by Sarah Schulman (E.P. Dutton) [Stonewall Book Award winner, 1989]
- The Secret in the Bird by Camarin Grae (Naiad Press)
- The Prosperine Papers by Jan Clausen (Crossing Press)
- Bingo by Rita Mae Brown (Bantam)
- Winner Skiptrace by Antoinette Azolakov (Banned Books) (Mystery)
- Finalists
- Lessons In Murder by Claire McNab (Naiad Press) (Mystery)
- Mundane’s World by Judy Grahn (Crossing Press) (Fantasy/Sci-Fi)
- Heavy Gilt by Dolores Klaich (Naiad Press) (Mystery)
- The Crystal Curtain by Sandy Bayer (Alyson Publications) (Crime/Sci-fi/Horror)
- Lessons In Murder by Claire McNab (Naiad Press) (Mystery)
Lesbian Non-fiction:
- Winner Lesbian Ethics: Toward New Value by Sarah Lucia Hoagland (Institute for Lesbian Studies)
- Finalists
- The Amazon and the Page: Natalie Clifford Barney and Renee Vivien by Karla Jay (Indiana University Press)
- Why Can’t Sharon Kowalski Come Home? by Karen Thompson & Julie Andzrejewski (Spinsters/Aunt Lute)
- A Burst of Light by Audre Lorde (Firebrand Books)
- Permanent Partners: Building Gay and Lesbian Relationships That Last (Plume)
by Betty Berzon, Ph.D. (E.P. Dutton)
Lesbian Small Press Book Award:
- Winner Trash by Dorothy Allison (Firebrand Books)
- Finalists
- Before Stonewall: The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community by A. Weiss and G. Schiller (Naiad Press)
- More Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel (Firebrand Books)
- Macho Sluts: Erotic Fiction
by Pat Califia (Alyson Publications)
- Why Can’t Sharon Kowalski Come Home? by Karen Thompson & Julie Andrzejewski (Spinsters/Aunt Lute)
- Winner Borrowed Time: An AIDS Memoir by Paul Monette (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
- Finalists
- The Quilt: Stories from the Names Project
by Cindy Ruskin, Matt Herron and Deborah Zemke (Pocket Books)
- AIDS: The Women edited by Ines Rieder and Patricia Ruppelt (Cleis Press)
- Ground Zero by Andrew Holleran (William Morrow)
- Mortal Embrace: Living with AIDS by Emmanuel Dreuilhe (Hill & Wang)
- The Quilt: Stories from the Names Project
LGBT Poetry
- Winner: Gay & Lesbian Poetry in our Time edited by Carl Morse & Joan Larkin (St. Martin’s Press)
- Finalists:
- Sappho: Poems and Fragments translated by Josephine Balmer (Meadowland Books)
- Love Alone: Eighteen Elegies for Rog by Paul Monette (St. Martin’s Press)
- The Silence Now by May Sarton (W.W. Norton)
- The Inner Room by James Merrill (Alfred A. Knopf)
Publisher's Service Award:
- Winner Sasha Alyson, Alyson Publications
Gay Debut Fiction:
- Winner The Swimming-Pool Library by Alan Hollinghurst (Random House)
[Stonewall Book Award winner, 1989]
- Finalists
- River Road by C.F. Borgman (New American Library)
- Mountain Climbing In Sheridan Square by Stan Levanthal (Banned Books)
- Blue Heaven by Joe Keenan (Viking)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Friend of O. Wilde by Russell A. Brown (St. Martin’s Press)
Gay Fiction:
- Winner The Beautiful Room Is Empty by Edmund White (Alfred A. Knopf)
- Finalists
- The Swimming-Pool Library by Alan Hollinghurst (Random House)
- Valley of the Shadow by Christopher Davis (St. Martin’s Press)
- Second Son by Robert Ferro (Crown Publishing)
- The Temple by Stephen Spender (Grove Press)
Gay Men's Mystery / Science Fiction:
- Winner Goldenboy by Michael Nava (Alyson Publications) (Mystery)
- Finalists
- Death Takes the Stage by Donald Ward (St. Martin’s Press) (Mystery)
- Unicorn Mountain by Michael Bishop (Willliam Morrow) (Fantasy)
- Obedience by Joseph Hansen (Mysterious Press) (Mystery)
- Who’s Next by George Baxt (International Polygonics) (Mystery)
Gay Men's Non-Fiction:
- Winner Borrowed Time: An AIDS Memoir
by Paul Monette (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich)
- Finalists
- Permanent Partners: Building Gay and Lesbian Relationships That Last (Plume)
by Betty Berzon, Ph.D. (E.P. Dutton)
- The Male Couple’s Guide to Living Together by Eric Marcus (Harper & Row) (newer 1999 edition: Male Couple's Guide: Finding a Man, Making a Home, Building a Life
- Looking At Gay and Lesbian Life by Warren Blumenfeld and Diane Raymond (Philosophical Library)
- Living the Spirit, A Gay American Indian Anthology (Stonewall Inn Editions)
edited by Will Roscoe (St. Martin’s Press)
- Permanent Partners: Building Gay and Lesbian Relationships That Last (Plume)
Gay Men's Small Press Book Award:
- Winners (tie)
- Goldenboy by Michael Nava (Alyson Publications)
- The Delight of Hearts: Or What You Will Not Find in Any Book
by Ahmad al-Tifashi (Gay Sunshine Press)
- Finalists
- Shadows of Love: American Gay Fiction edited by Charles Jurrist (Alyson Publications)
- Gay Men & Women Who Enriched the World by Thomas Cowan (Mulvey Books)
- Unnatural Quotations by Leigh W. Rutledge (Alyson Publications)