- Lesbian
- Fiction, Mystery, Poetry
- General LGBT
- Fiction Anthology, Non-fiction Anthology, Autobiography/ Memoir, Biography, Children's/ Young Adult, Erotica, Humour, Romance, Science fiction/ Fantasy/ Horror, Spirituality, LGBT Studies, Visual Arts
- Gay Men's
- Fiction, Mystery, Poetry
- Transgender/ Bisexual
- Small Press Award
Lesbian Fiction:
- Winner Days of Awe by Achy Obejas (Ballantine)
- Finalists
- Hoochie Mama: The Other White Meat by Erika Lopez (Simon & Schuster)
- Light, Coming Back by Ann Wadsworth (Alyson)
- Pages for You by Sylvia Brownrigg (FS&G)
- Yin Fire by Alexandra Grilikhes (Alice Street Editions/Haworth)
Lesbian Mystery:
- Winner Merchant of Venus by Ellen Hart (St. Martin’s)
- Finalists
- Back to Salem by Alex Marcoux (Alice Street Editions/Haworth)
- Kiss the Girls and Make Them Spy: An Original Jane Bond Parody by Mabel Maney (Harper Entertainment)
- Moving Targets by Pat Welch (Bella)
- Witchfire by Lauren Maddison (Alyson)
Lesbian Poetry:
- Winner Fox
by Adrienne Rich (Norton)
- Finalists
- Here by Letta Neely (Wildheart)
- Mr. Bluebird by Gerry Gomez Pearlberg (Painted Leaf)
- Skies by Eileen Myles (Black Sparrow)
- Why Things Burn by Daphne Gottleib (Soft Skull)
LGBT Fiction Anthology:
- Winner Diva Book of Short Stories
edited by Helen Sandler (Millivres) [Lesbian]
- Finalists
- Bending the Landscape: Horror edited by Nicola Griffith and Stephen Pagel (Overlook) [Best Other Work winner, Gaylatic Spectrum Awards 2002] [Review]
- Love Shook My Heart 2: Lesbian Love Stories (Vol 2) edited by Jess Wells (Alyson) [Lesbian]
- Rebel Yell: Stories by Contemporary Southern Gay Authors edited by Jay Quinn (Harrington Park) [Gay men's]
- Take Out: Queer Writing from Asian Pacific America edited by Quang Bao, Hanya Yanagihara, and Timothy Lui (Asian American Writers’ Workshop)
LGBT Non-fiction Anthology:
- Winner: The Greatest Taboo: Homosexuality In Black Communities
edited by Constantine-Simms (Alyson)
- Finalists
- His Hands, His Tools, His Sex, His Dress: Lesbian Writers on Their Fathers edited by Catherine Reid and Holly K. Iglesias (Alice Street Editions/Haworth)
- In a Queer Country edited by Terry Goldie (Arsenal Pulp)
- Lesbian Rabbis: The First Generation edited by Rebecca Alpert, Sue Levi Elwell, and Shirley Idelson (Rutgers University)
- Out in the Castro: Desire, Promise, Activism edited by Winston Leyland (Leyland)
LGBT Autobiography/Memoir
- Winner: The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon
- Finalists
- Gaslight by Carol Guess (Odd Girls)
- How I Learned to Snap: A Small Town Coming-Out and Coming-of-Age Story by Kirk Read (Hill Street)
- Monster: Adventures in American Machismo by Brian Bouldrey (Council Oaks)
- Outbound: Finding a Man, Sailing an Ocean
by William Storandt (University of Wisconsin)
LGBT Biography
- Winner: The Scarlet Professor: Newton Arvin: A Literary Life Shattered by Scandal
by Barry Werth (Doubleday) [Non-fiction winner, Stonewall Awards 2002]
- Finalists:
- Familiar Spirits: A Memoir of James Merrill and David Jackson by Alison Lurie (Viking)
- The Masks of Mary Renault by Caroline Zilboorg (University of Missouri)
- The Sappho Companion edited by Margaret Reynolds (St. Martin’s)
- Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay by Nancy Mitford (Random House)
LGBT Children's/Young Adult
- Winner Finding H.F.
by Julia Watts (Alyson) [YA]
- Finalists
- Empress of the World by Sara Ryan (Viking) [YA]
- Love Rules by Marilyn Reynolds (Morning Glory) [YA]
- Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez (Simon & Schuster) [YA]
- Spot by Todd Tuttle (Window) [Children's]
LGBT Erotica:
- Winner See Dick Deconstruct: Literotica for the Satirically Bent
by Ian Philips (AttaGirl) [Gay men's]
- Finalists
- Dirty Words: Provocative Erotica by M. Christian (Alyson) [Gay men's]
- His Tongue by Lawrence Schimel (North Atlantic)[Gay men's]
- Hot & Bothered 3 by Karen X. Tulchinsky (Arsenal Pulp) [Lesbian]
- Tough Girls: Down and Dirty Dyke Erotica by Lori Selke (Black) [Lesbian]
LGBT Humour
- Winner Fraud by David Rakoff (Doubleday)
- Finalists
- Drama Queen: The Gay Man's Guide to an Uncomplicated Life by Patrick Price (St. Martin’s)
- Hoochie Mama by Erika Lopez (Simon & Schuster)
- The Inflatable Butch by Ellen Orleans (Alyson)
- The Little Book of Neuroses: Ongoing Trials From My Queer Life by Michael Thomas Ford (Alyson)
LGBT Photography/ Visual Arts
- Winner Dear Friends: American Photographs of Men Together, 1840-1918 by David Deitcher (Harry N. Abrams) [Gay men's]
- Finalists
- Intimacies by Tee A. Corinne (Last Gasp) [Lesbian]
- The Male Nude Now: New Visions for the 21st Century by David Leddick (Universe) [Gay men's]
- Queer Pulp: Perverted Passions from the Golden Age of the Paperback (Chronicle)
- Strongman: Vintage Photos of a Masculine Icon by Robert Mainardi (Council Oak) [Gay men's]
LGBT Romance:
- Winner Pages for You
by Silvia Brownrigg (FS&G) [Lesbian]
- Finalists
- Any Kind of Luck by William Jack Sibley (Kensington) [Gay men's]
- Mirrors by Marianne K. Martin (Bella) [Lesbian]
- Substitute for Love by Karin Kallmaker (Naiad) [Lesbian]
- Vadriel Vail by Vincent Virga (Alyson) [Gay men's]
- Winner Point of Dreams by Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett (Tor) [Gay men's]
- Finalists
- Bending the Landscape: Horror edited by Nicola Griffith and Stephen Pagel (Overlook) [Review]
- Bound In Blood: The Erotic Journey of a Vampire by David Thomas Lord (Kensington) [Gay men's]
- Gumshoe Gorilla by Keith Hartman (Meisha Merlin) [Gay men's]
- Vampire Vow by Michael Schiefelbein (Alyson) [Gay men's]
LGBT Spirituality & Religion
- Winner (tied)
- Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible edited by Ken Stone (Pilgrim)
- Escaping God’s Closet: The Revelations of a Queer Priest by Bernard Duncan Mayes (Univ. Press of Virginia)
- Finalists:
- Coming Out Young and Faithful edited by Leanne McCall Tigert and Timothy Brown (Pilgrim)
- Crossing Over: Liberating the Transgendered Christian by Vanessa Sheridan (Pilgrim)
- Gifted by Otherness: Gay and Lesbian Christians in the Church by L. William Countryman and M.R. Ritley (Morehous
LGBT Studies
- Winner Courting Justice: Gay Men and Lesbians v. the Supreme Court by Joyce Murdoch and Deb Price (Basic)
- Finalists
- All the Rage: The Story of Gay Visibility in America by Suzanna Danuta Walters (University of Chicago)
- Behind the Screen: How Gays and Lesbians Shaped Hollywood, 1910-1969 by William J. Mann (Viking)
- Evening Crowd at Kirmser's: A Gay Life In The 1940s edited by Ricardo J. Brown and William Reichard (University of Minnesota)
- Lesbian Empire: Radical Crosswriting in the Twenties by Gay Wachman (Rutgers University)
Gay Fiction
- Winner The Practical Heart: Four Novellas by Allan Gurganus (Knopf)
- Finalists
- The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things by JT LeRoy (Bloomsbury)
- In the City of Shy Hunters by Tom Spanbauer (Grove)
- The Marble Quilt by David Leavitt (Houghton Mifflin)
- The Rose City by David Ebershoff (Viking)
Gay Mystery
- Winner Rag and Bone by Michael Nava (G.P. Putnam)
- Finalists:
- Boy Toy by Michael Craft (St. Martin’s)
- The Butcher’s Son by Dorien Grey (GLB)
- Making a Killing by Warren Dunford (Alyson)
- Sex and Murder.Com by Mark Richard Zubro (St. Martin’s)
Gay Poetry
- Winner Source by Mark Doty (HarperCollins)
- Finalists
- Before Time Could Change Them by Constantine Cavafy (Harcourt Brace)
- Harmless Medicine by Justin Chin (Manic D)
- Hard Evidence by Timothy Liu (Talisman House)
- Love Speaks Its Name: Gay and Lesbian Love Poems by J.D. McClatchy (Knopf)
Transgender/ Bisexual
- Winner Omnigender: A Trans-religious Approach by Virginia Ramey Mollenkott (Pilgrim)
- Finalists
- Best Bisexual Erotica, Volume 2 edited by Bill Brnt and Carol Queen (Black/Circlet)
- Crossing Over: Liberating the Transgendered Christian by Vanessa Sheridan (Pilgrim)
- Dragged!! To His Senses by Jonathan Branton (Yellow House)
- Synthetic Bi Products by Sparrow L. Patterson (Akashic)
Small Press Award
- Winner Conversaciones: Relatos por padres y madres de hijas lesbianas y hijos gay
by Mariana Romo-Carmona (Cleis) [Conversations: Stories for/from parents of lesbian daughters and gay sons]
- Finalists
- Calendar Boy by Andy Quan (New Star)
- Creating Man by Michael G. Cornelius (Vineyard)
- Scared Straight: Why It’s So Hard to Accept Gay People and Why It’s So Hard to Be Human by Robert N. Minor (HumanityWorks!)
- The Wild Man by Patricia Nell Warren (Wildcat)