11th Annual Lambda Literary Award Winners and Finalists
- Lesbian
- Biography/ Autobiography, Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Studies
- General LGBT
- Gay Men's
- Biography/ Autobiography, Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Studies
- Transgender
- Other Awards
- Editor's Choice Award, Pioneer Award, Publisher's Service Award, Small Press Award
Lesbian Biography/Autobiography
- The Indelible Alison Bechdel: Confessions, Comix, and Miscellaneous Dykes to Watch Out For
by Alison Bechdel (Firebrand) [Graphic novel, see all award winning comics]
- A Fragile Union
by Joan Nestle (Cleis)
- The Queen of Whale Cay
by Kate Summerscale (Viking)
- Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John
by Sally Cline (Overlook)
Winner: Cavedweller
- bull-jean stories
by Sharon Bridgforth (RedBone)
- Shimmer
by Sarah Schulman (Avon)
- The Dogs
by Rebecca Brown (City Lights)
- THEY CALL ME MAD DOG!: A Story for Bitter, Lonely People
by Erika Lopez (Simon & Schuster)
Lesbian Mystery
- The Blue Place
by Nicola Griffith (Avon) [Review]
- Shaman’s Moon
by Sarah Dreher (New Victoria)
- Mother May I
by Randye Lordon (Avon)
- Past Due
by Claire McNab (Naiad)
- Wicked Games
by Ellen Hart (St. Martin’s)
Lesbian Poetry
- Imagine Being More Afraid of Freedom than Slavery
by Pamela Sneed (Owl)
- In the Open
by Beatrix Gates (Painted Leaf)
- Juba
by Letta Neely (Wildheart)
- The Little Butch Book
by Leslea Newman (New Victoria)
Winner: A Fragile Union
- Female Masculinity
by Judith Halberstam (Duke)
- Gay Old Girls
by Zsa Zsa Gershick (Alyson)
Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and the Marketing of Gay America
by Sarah Schulman (Duke) [Nonfiction winner, Stonewall Book Awards, 1999]
The Truth That Never Hurts: Writings on Race, Gender, and Freedom
by Barbara Smith (Rutgers)
LGBTQ Fiction Anthologies
- Mammoth Book of Gay Erotica
edited by Lawrence Schimel (Carroll & Graf) [gay men's]
- Men on Men 7: Best New Gay Fiction (v. 7)
edited by David Bergman (Penguin/Plume) [gay men's]
- Queer PAPI Porn
by Joel Tan (Cleis) [gay men's]
- To Be Continued
edited by Michele Karlsberg and Karen X. Tulchinsky (Firebrand) [lesbian]
- Mom: Candid Memoirs by Lesbians About the First Woman in Their Life
edited by Nisa Donnelly (Alyson) [lesbian]
- Q & A: Queer in Asian America
edited by David L. Eng (Temple University) [GLBT]
- Lesbian Travels
edited by Lucy Jane Bledsoe (Whereabouts) [lesbian]
- Queer 13: Lesbian And Gay Writers Recall Seventh Grade
edited by Clifford Chase (Weisbach) [GLBT]
- Telling Tales Out of School
edited by Kevin Jennings (Alyson) [GLBT]
GLBTQ Children's (& Young Adult)
- I Was a Teenage Fairy
by Francesca Lia Block (HarperCollins) [female main character, gay male character] YA
- Lucy Goes to the Country
by Joseph Kennedy, illustrated by John Canemaker (Alyson) [GLBT parents, Picture book]
OutSpoken: Role Models from the Lesbian and Gay Community
by Michael Thomas Ford (Morrow Junior) YA
- Queer 13: Lesbian And Gay Writers Recall Seventh Grade
edited by Clifford Chase (Weisbach) [GLBT]
Winner: O Solo Homo
- Mr. Universe and Other Plays
by Jim Grimsley and David Roman (Algonquin)
- Place for Us: Essay on the Broadway Musical
by D.A. Miller (Harvard University)
Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and the Marketing of Gay America
by Sarah Schulman (Duke) [Nonfiction winner, Stonewall Book Awards, 1999]
- The Vagina Monologues
by Eve Ensler (Villard)
Winner: Alec Baldwin Doesn’t Love Me and Other Trials of My Queer Life
- Don’t Get Me Started
by Kate Clinton (Ballantine)
- The Indelible Alison Bechdel: Confessions, Comix, and Miscellaneous Dykes to Watch Out For
by Alison Bechdel (Firebrand) [Graphic novel, see all award winning comics]
- Savage Love by Dan Savage (Dutton)
- Split-Level Dykes to Watch Out For
by Alison Bechdel (Firebrand) [Graphic novel, see all award winning comics]
LGBTQ Photography/Visual Arts Winners
- The Male Nude
by David Leddick (Taschen)
- Women in Love
by Barbara Seyda with Diana Herrera (Bullfinch/Little Brown)
- Affectionate Men: A Photographic History of a Century of Male Couples, 1850-1950
by Russell Bush (St. Martin’s)
Becoming Visible : An Illustrated History of Lesbian and Gay Life in Twentieth-Century America
by Molly McGarry and Fred Wasserman (NYPL/Penguin Studio)
The Passionate Camera: Photography and Bodies of Desire
by Deborah Bright (Routledge)
LGBTQ Religion/Spirituality
Winner: Ferocious Romance
- Both Feet Firmly Planted in Midair
by John McNeill (Westminister John Knox)
- Closet Devotions
by Richard Rambuss (Duke)
- How to Survive Your Own Gay Life: An Adult Guide to Love, Sex, and Relationships
by Perry Brass (Belhue)
- Sermons: Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living
by Peter J. Gomes (Morrow)
LGBTQ Science Fiction/Fantasy
- Bending the Landscape II: Science Fiction
edited by Nicola Griffith and Stephen Pagel (Overlook)
- Galilee: A novel of the fantastic
by Clive Barker (HarperCollins) (gothic fantasy)
- Desmond: A Novel About Love and the Modern Vampire
by Ulysses G. Dietz (Alyson) (gay male protagonist, vampires)
- Falling to Earth
by Elizabeth Brownrigg (Firebrand) (lesbian, urban fantasy)
Things Invisible to See: Lesbian and Gay Tales of Magic Realism
edited by Lawrence Schimel (Ultra Violet) (urban fantasy anthology) [Review]
Gay Men's Biography/ Autobiography
- Auden and Isherwood: The Berlin Years
by Norman Page (St. Martin’s)
- The Best Little Boy in the World Grows Up
by Andrew Tobias (Random House)
- Gentleman Junkie: The Life and Legacy of William S. Burroughs
by Graham Caveney (Little Brown)
- In the Flesh: Undressing for Success
by Gavin Geoffrey Dillard (Barricade)
Gay Men’s Fiction
- The Hours
by Michael Cunningham (FS&G) [Literature winner, Stonewall Book Awards, 1999]
- Koolaids: The Art of War
by Rabih Alameddine (St. Martin’s/Picador)
- The Long Falling
by Keith Ridgway (Houghton Mifflin)
- Where the Rainbow Ends
by Jameson Currier (Overlook)
Gay Men’s Mystery
- Dead as a Doornail
by Grant Michaels (St. Martin’s)
- Federal Fag
by Fred Hunter (St. Martin’s)
- Strachey’s Folly
by Richard Stevenson (St. Martin’s)
- Uprising
by Randy Boyd (Westbeach)
Winner: Ten Commandments
- A Flame for the Touch That Matters
by Michael Lassell (Painted Leaf)
- A Frieze for a Temple of Love
by Edward Field (Black Sparrow)
- Say Goodnight
by Timothy Liu (Copper Canyon)
- Sweet Machine
by Mark Doty (Harper Flamingo)
Gay Men’s Studies
- Becoming Visible : An Illustrated History of Lesbian and Gay Life in Twentieth-Century America
by Molly McGarry and Fred Wasserman (NYPL/Penguin Studio)
Changing Ones: Third and Fourth Genders in Native North America
by Will Roscoe (St. Martin’s)
- Love Undetectable: Notes on Friendship, Sex, and Survival
by Andrew Sullivan (Knopf)
- The Pleasure Principle
by Michael Bronski (St. Martin’s)
Winner: The Empress Is a Man: Stories from the Life of José Sarria
by Michael R. Gorman (Harrington Park)
Editor’s Choice Award
- Boy-Wives and Female Husbands: Studies of African Homosexualities
edited by Will Roscoe and Stephen Murray (St. Martin’s)
- Female Masculinity
by Judith Halberstam (Duke)
- Suits Me: The Double Life of Billy Tipton
by Diane Wood Middlebrook (Houghton Mifflin)
Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue
by Leslie Feinberg (Beacon
Editor’s Choice Award
- The Boy
by Naeem Murr (Houghton Mifflin)
Pioneer Award
- Katherine V. Forrest
Publisher Service Award
- Joan M. Drury, Spinsters Ink (acquired by Kathy Hovis in 2000)
Small Press Awards
- The Indelible Alison Bechdel: Confessions, Comix, and Miscellaneous Dykes to Watch Out For
by Alison Bechdel (Firebrand)
- Queer Japan: Personal Stories of Japanese Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals
edited by Barbara Summerhawk (New Victoria)
- The Reluctant Pornographer
by Bruce LaBruce (Gutter)
- Uprising
by Randy Boyd (Westbeach)
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