- Lesbian
- Biography/ Autobiography, Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Studies
- General LGBT
- Fiction Anthology, Non-fiction Anthology, Children's/ Young Adult, Drama, Humour, Photography/ Visual Arts, Science fiction/ Fantasy
- Gay Men's
- Biography/ Autobiography, Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Studies
- Other Awards
- Editor's Choice Award, Publisher's Service Award, Small Press Award
Lesbian Biography/Autobiography
Winner: Gertrude Stein: In Words and Pictures
- Serving in Silence
by Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer and Chris Fisher (Viking) (About Margarethe Cammermeyer)
- One Art: Letters
by Elizabeth Bishop (FSG)
- The Power and the Passion of M. Carey Thomas
by Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz (Knopf)
- Memoir of a Race Traitor
by Mab Segrest (South End)
Lesbian Fiction
Winner: Gifts of the Body
- House Rules
by Heather Lewis (Doubleday/Nan Talese)
- Chelsea Girls
by Eileen Myles (Black Sparrow)
- The Dyke and the Dybbuk
by Ellen Galford (Seal)
- Stir-fry
by Emma Donoghue (HarperCollins)
Lesbian Mystery
Winner: Small Sacrifice
- The Case of the Good-For-Nothing Girlfriend
by Mabel Maney (Cleis)
- Sister’s Keeper
by Randye Lordon (St. Martin’s)
- Body Guard
by Claire McNab (Naiad)
- My Sweet Untraceable You
by Sandra Scoppetone (Little Brown)
Lesbian Poetry
Winner: Winter Numbers
- American Dreams
by Sapphire (Serpent’s Tail)
- Haruko/Love Poems
by June Jordan (Serpent’s Tail)
- Normal Sex
by Linda Smukler (Firebrand)
- White Pine
by Mary Oliver (Random House)
Lesbian Studies
Winner: Skin: Talking About Sex, Class And Literature
- My American History: Lesbian and Gay Life During the Reagan/Bush Years
by Sarah Schulman (Routledge)
- Chloe Plus Olivia : An Anthology of Lesbian Literature from the 17th Century to the Present
edited by Lillian Faderman (Viking)
- Sportsdykes
edited by Susan Fox Rogers (St. Martin’s)
- Her Tongue on My Theory: Images, Essays and Fantasies
by Kiss & Tell (Press Gang) (photography)
LGBT Fiction Anthology
Men on Men 5: Best New Gay Fiction
edited by David Bergman (Plume) (Gay male)
High Risk 2: Writings on Sex, Death, and Subversion
edited by Ira Silverberg and Amy Scholder (Plume) (gay and lesbian)
The Very Inside: An Anthology of Writings by Asian & Pacific Islander Lesbians
edited by Sharon Lim-Hing (Sister Vision)) (lesbian)
- Lavender Mansions: 40 Contemporary Lesbian And Gay Short Stories
edited by Irene Zahava (Westview) (gay and lesbian)
LGBT Non-fiction Anthology
- One Teacher in Ten: Gay and Lesbian Educators Tell Their Stories
edited by Kevin Jennings (Alyson) (gay and lesbian)
Out of the Class Closet: Lesbians Speak
edited by Julia Penelope (Crossing) (lesbian)
- Long Road to Freedom: The Advocate History of the Gay and Lesbian Movement
edited by Mark Thompson (St. Martin’s) (gay and lesbian, activism)
- Queer Reader
edited by Patrick Higgins (New) (gay male)
LGBT Children's/Young Adult
Winner: Am I Blue?: Coming Out from the Silence
Two Teenagers in 20: Writings by Gay and Lesbian Youth (Transworld)
edited by Ann Heron (Alyson) (GLBT, YA, nonfiction)
- Dive
by Stacey Donovan (Dutton Children’s) (lesbian, YA, fiction)
- Oscar Wilde
by Scott Nunokawa (Chelsea House) (gay male, nonfiction)
- Tiger Flowers
by Patricia Quinlan (Dial Books) (picture book, AIDs, gay male)
LGBT Drama
Winner: Angels in America: Perestroika
- Jeffrey
by Paul Rudnick (Plume) (gay male)
- The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me
by David Drake (Anchor) (gay male)
Heroes and Saints and Other Plays: Giving Up the Ghost, Shadow of a Man, Heroes and Saints
by Cherrie Moraga (West End)
- Second Coming of Joan of Arc
by Carolyn Gage (HerBooks) (lesbian/feminist)
LGBT Humour
Winner: The Dyke and the Dybbuk
- Barrel Fever
by David Sedaris (Little Brown) (gay male)
- Unofficial Gay MANual
by Kevin Dilallo and Jack Krumholtz (Doubleday/Main Street) (gay male)
- Glamourpuss
by Christian McLaughlin (Dutton) (gay male, romance)
- Case of the Good-For-Nothing Girlfriend
by Mabel Maney (Cleis) (lesbian, mystery)
LGBT Photography & Visual Arts
Winner: Family: A Portrait of Gay and Lesbian America
Out in America: A Portrait of Gay and Lesbian Life
by Out Magazine (Viking Studio) (GLBT)
- Masked Culture: The Greenwich Village Halloween Parade
by Jack Kugelmass (Columbia University)
- Long Road to Freedom: The Advocate History of the Gay and Lesbian Movement
edited by Mark Thompson (St. Martin’s) (GLBT, activism)
- Art of the Male Nude
by Jim French (State of Man) (gay male)
LGBT Science Fiction & Fantasy
Winner: Trouble and Her Friends
- The Furies
by Suzy McKee Charnas (TOR) (lesbian, fantasy)
- Metal Angel
by Nancy Springer (ROC Fantasy) (gay male?, fantasy)
- Storm Warning
by Mercedes Lackey (Daw) (gay male)
- Warrriors of Isis
by Jean Stewart (Rising Tide) (lesbian, science fiction)
Gay Men's Biography/Autobiography
- Last Watch of the Night
by Paul Monette (Harcourt Brace)
My Life As a Pornographer & Other Indecent Acts
by John Preston (Richard Kasak)
- Knowing When to Stop
by Ned Rorem (Simon & Schuster)
- Confessions of a Jewish Wagnerite; Being Gay and Jewish in America, Foreword By Dr. Gottfried Wagner
by Lawrence Mass (Cassell)
Gay Men's Fiction
Winner: The Folding Star
- Cultural Revolution
by Norman Wong (Persea)
- American Studies
by Mark Merlis (Houghton Mifflin)
- Sacred Lips of the Bronx
by Doug Sadownick (St. Martin’s)
- Nightswimmer
by Joseph Olshan (Simon & Schuster)
Gay Men's Mystery
Winner: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
- Mad Man
by Samuel Delaney (Richard Kasak)
- The Alienist
by Caleb Carr (Random House)
- Mask for a Diva
by Grant Michaels (St. Martin’s)
- A Queer Kind of Love
by George Baxt (Otto Penzler)
Gay Men's Poetry
Winner: Collected Poems
- The Other Man Was Me: A Voyage to the New World
by Raphael Campo (Arte Publico)
- Ghost Letters
by Richard McCann (Alice James)
- Wishing for Wings
by Assotto Saint (Galiens Press)
- West of Yesterday, East of Summer
by Paul Monette (St. Martin’s)
Gay Men's Studies
- Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe
by John Boswell (Villard)
Gay Soul: Finding the Heart of Gay Spirit and Nature with Sixteen Writers, Healers, Teache
edited by Mark Thompson (HarperSanFrancisco)
- Last Watch of the Night
by Paul Monette (Harcourt Brace)
- Queer and Loathing: Rants and Raves of a Raging AIDS Clone
by David Feinberg (Viking)
Editor's Choice: Traitor to the Race by Mab Segrest (South End) (a.k.a Memoir of a Race Traitor
Publisher's Service Award: Barbara Smith, Kitchen Table Press
Small Press Award
- B-Boy Blues
by James Earl Hardy (Alyson) (gay male)
- Skin: Talking About Sex, Class And Literature
by Dorothy Allison (Firebrand) (lesbian) (Nonfiction winner, Stonewall Book Awards, 1995)
- We Came All The Way From Cuba So You Could Dress Like This?
by Achy Obejas (Cleis) (gay & lesbian)
- American Dreams
by Sapphire (Serpent’s Tail) (lesbian)
The Lambda Awards by year:
1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 |1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001
2002 2003 | 2004 |2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
2002 2003 | 2004 |2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
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