
Friday, July 15, 2011

Submitting Guest Reviews

The Kiss (Two Lesbian Girls) Poster Print - 16" X 20"
The Kiss (Two Lesbian Girls)
Poster Print - 16" X 20"
Guest reviews can be wonderful things that benefit both parties - we get awesome content that we don't have to write, and possibly of books we can't get hold of.

You get promotion, a really good backlink, and the benefit of any affiliate links you choose to use.

We will proofread your posts, and may edit if necessary (as it reflects on the site) but only if it needs it (such as for the inevitable typoes!)

Original content only, please - we don't want a review that you've submitted everywhere.

Your review can be of any lesbian (or bisexual girl/girl) print (or potentially printed) title (e.g. manga, novel, non-fiction, webcomic). Or even a discussion of a favourite sapphic author.

It cannot be your book - self-reviewing has too much conflict of interest (but if you sound like you know what you're talking about, people are more likely to check you out - and there's no reason you can't mention that you wrote a certain book).

It can link to other relevant sites (although we reserve the right to remove any links that we don't think are relevant - unlikely, but this disclaimer is in case of gratuitous link dropping).

It can be two paragraphs or twenty. Please check spelling and grammar are all good - we can edit your submissions, but obviously, we'd rather do as little of that as possible!

Make sure to include any details about yourself that you'd like known.
E.g. "the guest author is Charmander, an awesome little lizard who runs a blog called Dragons Are Awesome, loves fire and Pokemon fanfiction and has written The Guide To Lesbian Dating For Pokemon."

How to submit
It's easier all round if you've already written a review, as we can approve or refuse straight away and you don't have to sit around waiting for us to get back to you - and we don't have to wonder if or when this review will ever turn up. Anyone is welcome to submit a review.

Simply email reviews to us here.
Or leave a comment here if you have a simple question (or haven't heard back after a couple of days)

Also, we are running a guest posting event in March! See here for more details!

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