1990 Categories
Overview of yearly categories
- Lesbian
- Anthologies, Debut Fiction, Fiction, Mystery, Nonfiction (Studies) Poetry, Science fiction/Fantasy, Small Press Book Award
- General LGBT
- AIDS, Humour
- Gay Men's
- Anthologies, Debut Fiction, Fiction, Mystery, Nonfiction (Studies) Poetry, Science fiction/Fantasy, Small Press Book Award
- Other Awards
- Editor's Choice Award, Publisher's Service Award
Lesbian Anthology
Winner: Women On Women edited by Joan Nestle & Naomi Holoch (Plume)

- Lesbian Bedtime Stories 2 edited by Terry Woodrow (Tough Dove)
- Lesbian Philosophies and Cultures edited by Jeffner Allen (SUNY)
- Lesbian Texts and Contexts edited by Karla Jay & Joanne Glasgow (NYU)
- Speaking For Ourselves edited by Irene Zahava (Crossing)
Lesbian Debut Fiction
Winner: Her by Cherry Muhanji (Aunt Lute Foundation)

- Simple Songs: Stories by Vickie Sears by Vickie Sears (Firebrand)
- Take Me to the Underground by Renee Hansen (Crossing)
- Virago by Karen Marie Christa Minns (Naiad) (vampires)
- Voyages Out 2: Lesbian Short Fiction by Julie Blackwomon & Nona Caspers (Seal)

Winner: Out of Time by Paula Martinac (Seal)
- Don Juan In The Village by Jane DeLynn (Pantheon)
- Incidents Involving Mirth by Anna Livia (Eighth Mountain)
- My Jewish Face & Other Stories by Melanie Kay/Kantrowitz (Aunt Lute)
- People in Trouble by Sarah Schulman (Dutton)
Lesbian Mystery
- Gaudi Afternoon by Barbara Wilson (Seal)
- Ninth Life by Lauren Wright Douglas (Naiad)

- A Captive In Time by Sarah Dreher (New Victoria)
- Death Down Under by Claire McNab (Naiad)
- Slick by Camarin Grae (Naiad)
Lesbian Nonfiction
Winner: The Safe Sea of Women by Bonnie Zimmerman (Beacon)

- Ceremonies of the Heart by Becky Butler (Seal) (multicultural wedding options, now out of date)
- Exile in the Promised Land: A Memoir by Marcia Freedman (Firebrand)
- Loony-Bin Trip by Kate Millett (Simon & Schuster)
- Susie Sexpert’s Lesbian Sex World by Susie Bright (Cleis)
Lesbian Poetry
Winner: Going Back to the River by Marilyn Hacker (Random House)

- The Chant of the Women of Magdalena and The Magdalena Poems by SDiane Bogus (Woman in the Moon)
- Crime Against Nature by Minnie Bruce Pratt (Firebrand) [Literature Winner, Stonewall Book Awards 1991]
- A Few Words in the Mother Tongue by Irena Klepfisz (Eighth Mountain)
- Patience of Metal by Yvonne Zipter (Hutchinson House)
Lesbian Science Fiction & Fantasy
Winner: Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino (ROC) (fantasy)

- Doc and Fluff: The Dystopian Tale of a Girl and Her Bike by Pat Califia (Alyson) (apocalyptic society, spirituality)
- Mighty Good Road by Melissa Scott (Baen) (scifi, intrigue)
- Priorities by Lynda Lyons (Naiad) (scifi)
- Virago by Karen Marie Christa Minns (Naiad) (vampires)
Lesbian Small Press Book Award
Winner: Different Mothers: Sons and Daughters of Lesbians Talk About Their Lives edited by Louise Rafkin (Cleis)

- Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color by Gloria Anzaldua (Aunt Lute)
- Black Women’s Health Book by Evelyn C. White (Seal) (first edition not available, see second edition)
- Dykes-Loving-Dykes: Dyke Separatist Politics for Lesbians Only. by BevJo, Linda Strega & Ruston (Battleaxe)
- Staying Power: Long Term Lesbian Couples by Susan Johnson (Naiad)
Winner: The Way We Live Now: American Plays and the AIDS Crisis edited by M. Elizabeth Osborn (Theater Communications Group)

- AIDS Demo Graphics by Douglas Crimp (Bay)
- Inventing AIDS by Cindy Patton (Routledge)
- Surviving AIDS by Michael Callen (HarperCollins)
- Women, AIDS & Activism by ACT UP/New York Women (South End)
Winner: New, Improved Dykes To Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel (Firebrand) (lesbian) [Graphic novel, see all award winning comics]

- Meatmen Vol. 8 edited by Terry Woodrow (Tough Dove) (comic, gay men)
- More Lesbian Etiquette: Humorous Essays by Gail Sausser & Aice Muhlback(Crossing) (lesbian)
- Stonewall Riots by Andrea Natalie (Andrea Natalie)
- Susie Sexpert’s Lesbian Sex World by Susie Bright (Cleis) (lesbian)
Gay Men's Anthology
Winner: Men on Men 3: Best New Gay Fiction edited by George Stambolian (Plume)

- Gay Men of Alcoholics Anonymous by Robert Kus (WinterStar)
- Keys to Caring: Assisting Your Gay and Lesbian Clients edited by Robert Kus (Alyson)
- Men and Intimacy: Personal Accounts Exploring the Dilemmas of Modern Male Sexuality edited by Franklin Abbott (Crossing)
- Triple Fiction by Cassady, Smith & Stone (Los Hombres)
Gay Men's Debut Fiction
Winner: Dancing On Tisha B’av by Lev Raphael (St. Martin’s)

- The Body and Its Dangers and Other Stories by Allen Barnett (St. Martin’s)
- Horse and Other Stories by Bo Huston (Amethyst)
- Landscape: Memory by Matthew Stadler (Scribners)
- This Every Night by Patrick Moore (Amethyst)
Gay Men's Fiction
Winner: The Body and Its Dangers and Other Stories by Allen Barnett (St. Martin’s)
- Afterlife by Paul Monette (Crown)
- A Home At the End of the World by Michael Cunningham (FSG)
- Music I Never Dreamed Of by John Gilgun (Amethyst)
- A Place I’ve Never Been by David Leavitt (Viking)
Gay Men's Mystery
Winner: Howtown by Michael Nava (HarperCollins)

- The Black Marble Pool by Stan Leventhal (Amethyst)
- A Body To Dye For by Grant Michaels (St. Martin’s)
- The Boy Who Was Buried This Morning by Joseph Hansen (Viking)
- Why Isn’t Becky Twitchell Dead? by Mark Richard Zubro (St. Martin’s)
Gay Men's Nonfiction
Winner: Coming Out Under Fire by Alan Berube (Free)

- Behind the Mask: My Double Life in Baseball by Dave Pallone (Viking)
- My Country, My Right to Serve: Experiences of Gay Men and Women in the Military, World War II to the Present by Mary Ann Humphrey (HarperCollins)
- So Little Time: Essays on Gay Life by Mike Hippler (Celestial Arts)
- The Trouble With Harry Hay: Founder of the Modern Gay Movement by Stuart Timmons (Alyson)
Gay Men's Poetry
Winner: Decade Dance by Michael Lassell (Alyson)

- Body in Flames/Cuerpo En Llamas by Francisco Alarcon (Chronicle)
- The Buried Body: A Trilogy by Mark Ameen (Amethyst)
- The Healing Notebooks by Kenny Fries (Open)
- Special Deliveries: New and Selected by James Broughton (Broken Moon)
Gay Men's Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Magic’s Price by Mercedes Lackey (DAW) (fantasy)
Secret Matter by Toby Johnson (Lavender) (science fiction)
- Alternate Casts by Marsh Cassady (Banned) (science fiction)
- Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit by Storm Constantine (TOR) (science fiction)
- The Gift by Scott Edelman (Space and Time) (science fiction)
Gay Men's Small Press Award
Winner: Daddy’s Roommate by Michael Willhoite (Alyson)

- Gays In Uniform by Kate Dyer (Alyson)
- Hard Plays Stiff Parts: The Homoerotic Plays of Robert Chesley by Robert Chesley (Alamo Square)
- Some Dance to Remember: A Memoir-Novel of San Francisco 1970-1982 by Jack Fritscher (Knights)
- The Trouble With Harry Hay: Founder of the Modern Gay Movement by Stuart Timmons (Alyson)
Editor's Choice Award
The Encyclopedia Of Homosexuality edited by Wayne Dynes (Garland) [Nonfiction Winner, Stonewall Book Awards 1991]
Publisher's Service Award: Phil Willkie & Greg Baysans, The James White Review (gay men's writing magazine, now ended)
The Lambda Awards by year:
The Encyclopedia Of Homosexuality edited by Wayne Dynes (Garland) [Nonfiction Winner, Stonewall Book Awards 1991]
Publisher's Service Award: Phil Willkie & Greg Baysans, The James White Review (gay men's writing magazine, now ended)
The Lambda Awards by year:
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