The dates are listed in the direction of travel (E.g. 2050-2010 means a traveller from the future who came back to 2010, while present day - 1907 means someone who went back into the past from about nowish).
- Across Time by Linda Kay Silva (minor lesbian content) (Oregon, present day - 100 AD )
- A Captive in Time (The Fourth Stoner McTavish Mystery) by Sarah Dreher (Colorado, present day- 1871)
- Gift Of Time by Robin Alexander (Gulfport, Florida; present day - 1907)
- Head Trip by D. L. Line (Chicago 2039; Berlin 1985)
- Jitterbug Perfume
by Tom Robbins ( Ancient Rome - New Orleans and everything in between)
- The Promise of Time by Mary Mongiovi (travel from post-apocalyptic 2200 to 2001)
- Rip Van Dyke by Kate McLachlan (From 1988 to 2008) eBook is here
- The Sea Hawk by Brenda Adcock (pirates, present day-1812)
- The Spanish Pearl
by Catherine Friend (Spain, present day/1085), Sequel/same timelines: The Crown of Valencia
- A modern day woman is sent back in time and has to learn to survive in the Crusade era. Adventure and romance.
- The Temple of My Familiar
by Alice Walker (precolonial Africa, post-slavery North Carolina, present day San Francisco)
- Threaded Through Time by Sara Ettrich (Canada, 1910, 2010)
- Time Gypsy by Ellen Klage (also found in Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction - read a review of the series)
Visions and Warnings by Kathryn Ewers Bundy (present day to the future, Virginia. YA)
- Renegade by Cheyne Curry (21st century to 19th century, USA/Wild West)
- Christabel by Karin Kallmaker (Manhattan; early colony-present day)
- Read the review
- About two girls who fell in love when one of them wandered outside her little colony and met a beautiful native American girl. Unfortunately an evil man destroys them and traps them in a magical fate, bound together in endless reincarnations until they finally manage to meet again in modern day New York, in the world of fashion and business.
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ReplyDeleteRenegade by Cheyne Curry (21st century to 19th century)
Thank you! Adding it now.