
Monday, January 23, 2012

Guest Posted Review: The Lesbian Fiction Appreciation Event

We have a guest post up at KT Grant's Babbling About Books. It is part of The Lesbian Fiction Appreciation Event - about a fortnight of posts from writers, reviewers and publishers about why they write, review and publish lesbian fiction.

In other words, it's a nice long ramble about how we both started reading lesbian books, how we started reviewing them and why we kept going.

Go read it here!

Some of the other posts include publishers talking about what they're looking for, authors talking about their books, and a few more general essays (I especially like this article discussing the lurking F/F versus lesbian issue, as it was a very obvious divide running through most of the posts, which certainly caught me off guard, as I was only vaguely aware of 'F/F' as a genre and the vast majority of contributors talking about F/F, not Lesbian fiction, was disappointing, if an education. To be clear, my post - and probably all the others - were written in advance, independently).

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1 comment:

  1. "which certainly caught me off guard, as I was only vaguely aware of 'F/F' as a genre and the vast majority of contributors talking about F/F, not Lesbian fiction, was disappointing, if an education."

    I understand that! It was an interesting mix for sure, though.
