
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Closing the Book on Year One

Closing the book on year one.
(You can find this picture in our Zazzle store!
Well. It's over. The first year, anyway!

A year ago, I was worried about finding enough books to review to actually keep the site alive. Now? My Kindle is backlogged, I have a stack of nearly overdue library books on my floor, and table, and shelves, and my wishlist of books to read is a long as my arm.

From the multitude of classics we're both still trying to get through, to the steady flood of new titles, I think me and Cress are going to be busy reading and reviewing good lesbian books for as long as we can keep it up. And we haven't even made it to the nonfiction yet.

As for the Introducing Lesbian Fiction event... I enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write us something, whether it made it onto the site or not. We do appreciate it. We also appreciate knowing that other people have just as much trouble choosing a 'first' lesbian book as us - that's what inspired the event, actually, the fact that neither of us where able to write a definitive post on the 'best' book to hand to a first time lesbian reader.

It's the first time we've ever sought out guest posts, so it was a little nervewracking (okay, a lot nervewracking). Now we just have to think of a worthwhile topic for next year (guest posting for guest posting's sake is pretty pointless; this event has hopefully been useful and will remain useful to would-be readers of lesbian fiction, and we intend all future ones to be so as well).

Please take the time to read the guest posts; you can find them under the Introducing Lesbian Fiction Event 2012 tag, or listed on the event overview page.


    1. It's amazing just how many books you can find once you start looking, isn't it? One hidden gem seems to lead to another, with each discovery exposing another author or another series.

      Congrats on your first year, and here's the many more!

    2. Progress report -

      I just finished Temporary Agency - suggested by Catherine Lundoff earlier in this event. This was an awesome read and - in general - a great opportunity to learn about outstanding books!


