
Friday, March 30, 2012

Gaylactic Spectrum Awards: Discontinued Categories (People's Choice, Hall of Fame & Comic/Graphic Novel)

The Gaylactic Spectrum Awards focus on fantasy, science fiction and horror with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersexed and generally queer themes. They began in 1999 (for books published in 1998) and are worth browsing for good fantasy and scifi fiction.

They have ongoing Best Novel, Best Short Fiction and Best Other Work categories, but the three categories below have been discontinued. They are the People's Choice (most nominations, run from 199 to 2001), Best Comic/Graphic Novel (only awarded in 2003, graphic novels were included in Best Other Work in other years) and the Hall of Fame (run from 1999-2003, for books published before the awards began). There was a separate category for visual media in 2002.

The Hall of Fame inductees contain a number of classics of GLBTQ fantasy & scifi fiction that are worth reading.

Other Awards from the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards (pending)

Awards listed below
  1. People's Choice
  2. Best Comic/Graphic Novel 2003
  3. Hall of Fame

People's Choice 

Awarded from 1999-2001, to the work that received the highest number of nominations from members of The Gaylactic Network

Best Comic/Graphic Novel 2003

Awarded to the best science fiction, fantasy or horror comic or graphic novel work originally released in North America during 2002 with significant positive gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender content. The only year there was a separate category for this format.

Winners (tie):
  • The Authority (issues 28-29) - Mark Millar et al - Wildstorm/DC Comics (gay male, superheroes)
  • Green Lantern: Hate Crime (issues 154 - 155) - Judd Winnick et al - DC Comics (gay male,  superheroes )
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Willow and Tara: Wilderness (part 1 & part 2, also collected here) by Amber Benson & Christopher Golden (Dark Horse) (lesbian couple, vampires, urban fantasy)
  • Murder Mysteries by Neil Gaiman & Craig Russell (Dark Horse) (gay male, fantasy)
  • Uncanny X-Men (414) by various (Marvel) (gay male, superheroes)
  • X-Statix (1-5) by various (Marvel) (gay male, superheroes)

Hall of Fame

Awarded from 1999-2003, to works that were published before 1998. Some titles appeared in the short list for previous years before actually winning. The 2000 awards also had a category for television and film media.

2003 Inductees

2002 Inductees
  • Alpha Flight - Issue #106 by Marvel Comics (gay male)
  • Dhalgren by Samuel R Delany (1974, Bantam) (science fiction, dystopia, bisexual male)
  • The Female Man by Joanna Russ (1975, Beacon) (science fiction, alternate realities, utopia/dystopia, lesbians)
  • Was by Geoff Ryman (1993, Penguin) (surrealism, social commentary, gay male character)

2001 Inductees

Winners (tie):
  • Imperial Earth by Arthur C. Clarke (1976, Orion) (science fiction, utopia, cloning, bisexual male/bisexuality as norm)
  • The Sparrow / Children of God by Mary Doria Russell (1996 & 1998, Fawcett) (The Sparrow won 1996 James Tiptree, Jr. Award; 1998 Arthur C. Clarke Award ; 1998 British Science Fiction Association Awards in the Novel category; 2001 Kurd Laßwitz Award and the 1998 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer) (missionaries, science fiction, coerced gay male/ alien-male sex)
  • The "Weetzie Bat" Books (collected as Dangerous Angels) by Francesca Lia Block (1989 , Harpercollins) (female lead, gay male, semi-fantastical, AIDS, GLBTQ themes, young adult)

2000 Inductees 

Winners (tie):
  • The World Well Lost by Theodore Sturgeon (1953, Universe Magazine) (scifi short story, gay males, aliens) 
  • Slow River by Nicola Griffith (1996, Ballantine) (lesbian, scifi, mystery) [Review
  • Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner (2003, Spectra ) (fantasy, gay male)
  • How Are The Mighty Fallen by Thomas Burnett Swann (1974, DAW) (gay male, mythology/fantasy)
  • The Door Into Fire (book one of The Tale of the Five) by Diane Duane (1985, Tor) (fantasy, gay males/general bisexuality, group marriage) - series now available as ebooks on Smashwords

2000 Media Finalists

Winners (tie):


1999 Inductees

Winners (tie):


Other Awards from the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards (pending)
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