
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Young Adult: Genre Overview

  1. Links to booklists, reviews and other things to do with YA lesbian literature
  2. Some quick reviews of books we've read
  3. List of recommended Nonfiction and Anthologies
  4. Misc 'see more' links.

This is a selection of recommended titles for lesbian teens. Most GLBT books for teenagers focus on coming out, although a few other storylines are starting to be written and published.

All these book lists focus on lesbian YA fiction, unless otherwise stated.

Some Quick Reviews:

AshAsh by Malinda Lo is a young adult fantasy version of Cinderella, with more fairies, nominated for several awards. Malinda Lo recently published another lesbian romance set in the same world, called Huntresswhich follows a standard quest storyline and is a much better book. But they'd make a very good pair to read together.

Read the review of Ash
Read the review of Huntress
Buy Ash on Amazon
Buy Huntress on Amazon

    Annie on My Mind
    Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden is a landmark young adult book. Written in 1982, it is now a classic that has never been out of print and has received several awards. Nancy Garden specialises in young adult coming out stories, and this was arguably her greatest. It follows two seventeen year old girls in New York as they fall in love and learn they have options.

    Read the review of Annie on My Mind
    More about Nancy Garden
    Buy Annie on My Mind on Amazon

      Hey, Dollface

      Hey, Dollface by Deborah Hautzig  is an incredibly sweet book that I remember reading and re-reading when I was younger. It follows two 15 year old girls as they become best friends and start blurring the edges of intimacy.

      Read the review of Hey, Dollface
      Buy Hey, Dollface on Amazon

        About a Girl

        About A Girl by Joanne Horniman is a passionate, lively read for older teens about a ... well, about two girls in Australia. The narrator, Anna, a bright moody redhead, and the lovely and unpredictable bisexual Flynn who forms a chapter of love and loss in Anna's life between parental divorce, depression, jobs and university.

        Read the review of About A Girl
        Buy About A Girl on Amazon


          Skim by Mariko & Jillian Tamaki is a black and white graphic novel that charts the coming of age of a teenage girl, amidst LGBT suicide, teen lesbian crushes and depression. It has been nominated for and won, numerous awards.

          Read the review of Skim
          Buy Skim on Amazon

            Gravity by Leanne Lieberman (2008)
            A sweet, serious Jewish girl who goes through a year of internal conflict, coming to terms with herself, her future, her Judaism, and her crush on another girl, who doesn't love her back.

            Read the review of Gravity
            Buy Gravity on Amazon

            Recommended Nonfiction & Anthologies for all Libraries:

            Reader guides that cover GLBTQ teen literature:

            Good nonfiction books and short story anthologies aimed at queer teens and other marginalised and bullied kids. This is not an exhaustive list, but there are more than enough good titles here. Nothing specifically for lesbian teens, but plenty of good books for GLBTQ youth.

            The Full List of Lesbian YA Fiction
            This the most complete list of YA lesbian fiction we know of  - most GLBT teen fiction doesn't distinguish the lesbian fiction from the rest, so while there are some very good resources... they don't help if you're only looking for lesbian fiction. The titles below have been gathered from lists, reviews, recommendations, actually reading them and randomly searching the internet for mentions!

            Malinda Lo recently analysed the numbers of published queer young adult fiction in the USA and found that less than 1% of young adult novels have queer characters - and only a quarter of those feature lesbian characters. So we feel safe in saying this is pretty much all of them.

             For more specific lists (e.g. by genre) check the links at the start of this page.

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