
Monday, August 12, 2013

Our Nineteen Bestselling Books & Short Stories of 2012

It's time to look back over 2012 and announce the most popular books of the year! These are the nineteen books that we sold most often. I'm happy to say that there are some fantastic books here, including most of my top picks for the year.

There's a nice mix of old and new; young adult and adult; romance, contemporary, fantasy, sexy, serious and sweet. And lesbian fairy tale retellings are still very popular!

The Top Five!

1. A Hole in the World by Sophie Robbins

2. The Gunfighter and The Gear-Head (The Raven Ladies) by Cassandra Duffy
  • A smart, sexy and fun dystopian steampunk story of an American future aliens have knocked society back to the wild west, and two women start causing some serious sparks. Also, steampunk BDSM.
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3. The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer 
  • This one's an longstanding favourite, a charming young adult retelling of the Persephone myth. Come join the young goddess and her dark, brooding lady Hades.
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4. Jericho by Ann McMan
  • Aha! One of my favourite lesbian romances! An epic literary tale of friendship, wine and wittiness, following our two lovely ladies as they work their way into each others hearts.
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5. Roses and Thorns by Chris Anne Wolfe
  • Another fantasy romance, this is a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast fairytale, with magic, misunderstandings, a brave heroine and her dark and lonely lover bringing lesbian life into the old story.
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The Runner Ups!

These are in no particular order or importance, because they were all pretty close together.


Curious Wine by Katherine V. Forrest
  • The classic lesbian romance, this charming tale of romance and discovery between two women who end up stuck in a cabin together is still as sweet and relevant as it always was.
  • Read the full review!
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Beguiled by Paisley Smith
  • An erotic historical romance set in the Civil War era, following the sexy discovery of love between a widow and the soldier left in her care.
  • Read the full review!
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The Art of Mapmaking by Thalia Fand


Promises, Promises: A Romp with Plenty of Dykes, a Unicorn, an Ogre, an Oracle, a Quest, a Princess, and True Love with a Happily Ever After by LJ Baker
  • A fun fairytale parody with all the classic elements, the buffoonish hero, the lovely princess, the wise and overlooked best friend, and the motley of weird and opinionated characters that show up in the classic quest.
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Cage the Darlings by Emma Bishop (Sarah Diemer)

Ash by Malinda Lo

Huntress by Malinda Lo
  • The young adult prequel to Ash, this is a more cohesive, independent story following two girls on an adventure into danger to save their kingdom. Also they fall in love.
  • Read the full review!
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The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth

Sword of the Guardian by Merry Shannon

Sleeping Beauty, Indeed & Other Lesbian Fairytales edited by JoSelle Vanderhooft 

One Solstice Night by Emma Bishop (Sarah Diemer)

Morning Rising by Samantha Boyette

  • A young adult fantasy with a more serious twist. Two girls bound together by love and fate get swept into a not so nice alternate world of magic and discover neither of them are who they thought they were. Magic, coming of age, and addiction.
  • Read the full review!
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  • Already read it? Check out the sequel: Darkness of Morning

Lady Knight by LJ Baker

Branded Ann by Merry Shannon
  • A kickass pirate story in which the pirate captain is sexy, nasty, and falling hard for a gorgeous whore. This is piracy with the gore and gutters and betrayal, a sizzlingly believable epic with no fluffy romance whatsoever.
  • Read the full review!
  • More Lesbian Pirate Fiction
  • Buy on Amazon!


Thinky Thoughts
This might not be quite the list I'd come out with for my top picks, but it's pretty close, and they're all books that have been reviewed here. There are quite a few repeating authors, as well; definitely writers to watch!

Why nineteen? Because the first five were clear winners, but all the rest were so close, it was getting a bit too arbitrary to decide between them. There are also a couple of short stories in there!

It's interesting to see what changes over time, and wonder why. Is it because people are looking for different books? Because we're getting better at recommending new books? Simply a matter of which reviews get read, and what happens when a visitor reaches Amazon? Who knows? Not me. If you're curious, you can check out Our Eleven Bestselling Books of 2011 and compare. 

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